Barry Murphy
Phone: 323-899-5669 – Email: barrymurf@mac.com
Professional Experience
High- Profile Unscripted Shows:
The Voice (NBC), Shark Tank (ABC), Deal or No Deal Island (NBC), Judge Steve Harvey (ABC), Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (AMAZON)
- Worked as the supervising editor on the pilot, and helped launch The Voice, Shark Tank and “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” for Mark Burnett
- Edited on various seasons of all the above shows
- Emmy winner for Season 24 of The Voice (2024)
Streaming and Premium Content:
World’s Toughest Race (Amazon), Craftopia (MAX), Lucha Underground (El Rey), Snake in the Grass (USA), Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity? (Amazon)
- Worked as a producer/editor on Lucha Underground for all 4 seasons
- Edited on various seasons of all the above shows
Reality Competition/Game Shows:
Celebrity Apprentice (NBC), Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise (ABC), Beat the Geek (WB/CW), Bully Beatdown (MTV), Beat Shazam (FOX), College Bowl w/Peyton Manning (ABC), WWE Legends House, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance (FOX)
- Worked as a producer/editor on Bully Beatdown for all 3 seasons
- Worked as a producer/editor on WWE Legends House
- Supervising Editor on Celebrity Apprentice
Feature Film:
Allan The Dog (Director/Producer)
- Raised funding, locked locations, hired crew, secured distribution
- Directed talent and post production through delivery
Columbia College, Chicago 1994-1997
B.A. Television and Film Production
Supervising Editing Teams
Tease and Promo Editing
Camera Operating and Audio Proficiency
Producing TV Shows, Films, Marketing Ads, Podcasts
AVID, Davinci, Adobe: Premiere, AFX, Photoshop