Barry is an Emmy award-winning editor who has

worked across multiple genres of television,

including such hits as:

The Voice, The Bachelor, Survivor,

Celebrity Apprentice, Beat Shazam,

The Biggest Loser, Shark Tank

and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance.

Barry has collaborated with producers,

having success launching such shows as:

Shark Tank, The Voice, Bully Beatdown,

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?,

Lucha Underground, and Superfan.

After starting his career working for

The Jenny Jones Show in Chicago,

Barry moved to LA in 2002, and now lives

in Playa del Rey with his wife and son.

Barry loves golfing, coaching his son, and he

still gives it a solid effort on the softball field.

He is available for union and non-union projects.